Our patients, clients and residents are appreciative of your care and compassion. Two recent thank you letters tell us exactly that.

Your dedication and compassion is appreciated

Thank you for the high quality care that is provided across VCH Richmond to our patients, clients and residents. Your compassion and dedication does not go unnoticed as these thank you letters attest.

“She genuinely cares about her patients”

“…I just wanted to take the opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude for the service we [received on the Palliative Care unit at Richmond Hospital].

Our nurse Lara, in particular, has been extremely helpful. It is clear that she genuinely cares about her patients, regardless of their health status or prognosis. To have her as our nurse really is a blessing and I am sure the other patients here feel the same way. She really stands out from the crowd and her talent/work should definitely be recognized.

Please help forward our gratitude and compliments to the team (and Lara, especially) as well as to the hospital’s management.”

 “I don’t know how I could have made it through the night”

“I felt compelled to write you regarding my recent overnight stay at the Richmond Hospital Emergency…I was admitted with excruciating pain that I was certain was caused by a kidney stone…I was admitted promptly and, in no time at all, I was in an ED bed. It was not long after that received some pain reliever via an IV.

I had expected to only be there for a few hours, as with my past experiences in the ED with kidney stones, but with the stone not passing and the CT scan machine being down it was decided that I would stay the night.

I cannot express enough how grateful I am to the admitting team, the nurses, the on-duty ED doctor, and each and every ED staff member who helped me get through that terrible experience. I only wish I would have had the presence of mind to make note of their names so I could mention them specifically. Unfortunately I was so incapacitated that I didn’t even get to thank them… It wasn’t fun but I am just grateful that I had the relief I did while at the Richmond ER. I don’t know how I could have made it through the night without their help.”