Celebrating the efforts of research participants
On the evening of Wednesday, September 27, 2017, researchers, trainees, coordinators and patients gathered for a special event hosted at the GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre. As the largest rehabilitation centre in British Columbia, GF Strong supports the assessment, treatment and recovery of patients with a variety of conditions such as disability after a stroke, spinal cord injury, arthritis, and more.
Celebrating GF Strong research participants
That night, faculty and research staff at GF Strong wanted to turn the spotlight around to highlight patients who have lent a hand by participating in research studies. The event celebrated research participants by recognizing their vital contributions to the leading research taking place at GF Strong. A short video featured many of the participants who were in attendance that night, including some who had participated in dozens of studies over a span of over 15 years.
Dr. Janice Eng, professor and director of the Rehabilitation Research Program, sincerely thanks the efforts of all of its research participants
GF Strong values the many different ways their former or current patients have been partners in research. This includes participating in a study or clinical trial to find the best treatment or intervention for a condition, and also contributing to study design on a focus group or working on an advisory to provide a patient-perspective. All of these roles help make the research taking place at GF Strong more meaningful, relevant, and patient-centred.
Read more about the event on the VCH Research Institute website, including details of the specific research studies that participants had contributed to.
Interested in participating in research?
Learn about ways to participate in research on the VCH Research institute website, including finding studies and reading stories about people who have participated.