Green+Leaders, Kim Steger and Cheryl Lewis are actively seeking LGH staff or managers to help improve the facility’s environmental sustainability.

Help make LGH greener

The Green+Leaders (G+L) program has already helped more than 250 health authority staff to improve environmental practices and behaviours in worksites across the Lower Mainland. Could LGH be next?

From composting to car-pooling systems, from coffee cup challenges to paper-less meetings, from Green Lab Checklists to energy conservation campaigns, Green+Leaders (G+Ls) play a key role in helping VCH do our part to reduce our footprint, and also create healthy communities for the people we serve.

G+Ls are staff volunteers who receive training, tools and peer support to encourage environmentally conscious behavior and workplace improvements. With a manager’s or director’s permissions, G+Ls spend 2-4 hours of work time per month on program activities of their choice. Together, we’re working towards a culture of sustainability throughout the organization.

The Green+Leaders program is now accepting applications for our next training session, held over two mornings on January 7th and 8th at VGH.

If you’re keen to see change towards sustainability, or curious about what might be possible, get in touch with program coordinator, Olive Dempsey at or 788-877-3481.