Why not offer more primary care?

This week we answer two more staff questions. If you’re still waiting for an answer to your question, we ask for your patience at this very busy time of year. We will answer everyone, but it just might take a little longer than we would like.

For past Q & As, refer to our November 28 article and previously published submissions to VCH News-Vancouver.

If you have a question you’d still like to ask, email us.

Today’s answered questions

Q. Why not build more enhanced primary care so that complicated clients can access wraparound services in the community and prevent acute care admissions or delay disease progression? This would help clients deal with mental health, addictions and many other chronic diseases and have access to better care and have more than likely improved health outcomes. Could we use best practice models from Ontario around this?

A.  We recognize that we have an opportunity within our existing VCH-funded primary care clinics to address these very issues. Over the past year, Nellie Hariri, operations director for primary care, and Dr. David Hall, medical director for primary care, have been reviewing VCH’s existing primary care service delivery model. This included an invitation this past fall to two independent reviewers to meet with our staff and providers and look at our existing system to find opportunities for change. We expect the results of this review shortly, and will likely act on them throughout 2014.


Q. Have there been any anonymous surveys/questionnaires sent out to staff regarding the new home health redesign? I think that might be a good way to get more staff feedback since it’s easier to send transparent comments/questions when anonymity is protected.

A.  To date, we haven’t surveyed staff about the home health redesign. This is a great idea, though, and the team leading this initiative will consider surveying in 2014.