Powder blue the colour of choice for North Shore celebrating staff and physician achievements

The recent North Shore Health Care Awards wound up translating into a $5,000 donation from Master of Ceremonies Dr. Allan Burgmann when participants voted overwhelmingly for his powder blue tux as their preferred wardrobe choice. Dr. Burgmann's good sense of fun shone through on the day, providing more for attendees to celebrate as they honoured the many worthy award nominees and recipients.

The recent North Shore Health Care Awards wound up translating into a $5,000 donation from Master of Ceremonies Dr. Allan Burgmann when participants voted overwhelmingly for his powder blue tux as their preferred wardrobe choice. Dr. Burgmann’s good sense of fun shone through on the day, providing more for attendees to celebrate as they honoured the many worthy award nominees and recipients.
















Your votes have been tallied and the verdict is in…you loved POWDER BLUE!

It was Dr. Allan Burgmann’s powder blue tuxedo that caught your eye at the recent 7th Annual North Shore Heath Care Awards. Along with the excitement of the event that honoured fantastic award nominees and recipients, one of the highlights had to be Dr. Burgmann’s three different tuxedo “looks” from across the years.

A big thanks to him for not only serving as Master of Ceremonies for the event, but also being such a great sport by offering to donate $10 for every vote that was made for one of the three tuxedo choices (see below).

His generous offer wound up translating into a $5,000 donation to support the LGH Foundation.

Thanks to Dr. Burgmann, everyone who attended the event and those who cast their vote!

VCH News -- Allan Burgmann photo #3

VCH News -- Allan Burgmann photo #4