How many VCH staff have been bullied?

So far, 95 per cent of respondents to an Up For Discussion poll say they have been bullied at work and many of you have bravely commented on this recent blog post on stopping bullying at VCH. stop-bullying

If you or someone you know has been bullied or disrespected at work please read about our new VCH Respectful Workplace Policy and take action.

  1. Denise Dimock

    Bullying and disrepect in the workplace has been going on at lions Gate hospital to myself and my co-workers for over three years by one certain person. Numerous complaints have been sent to heads of vch etc. and still nothing has been done. It still continues to take place.

    March 14, 2014
    • Shannon Starrs

      I commend you for having the courage to come forward. Often it is one person affecting so many people. I hope VCH takes a very serious look at the many forms of bullying and take just as strong approach as they do for attendance wellness!! This could be one of the reasons people take so much sick time!

      March 14, 2014
      • Fleur

        The anti-bullying campaign originally stems from the school system (in Nova Scotia) by a high school student in 2007. On February 27, 2008, BC government have proclaimed to be provincial anti-bullying day where we, the most responsible adults, instill, teach and remind by example our children, our future that bullying and disrespect are unacceptable in society. So my question is why we cannot do the same in the workplace & attendance wellness meetings to be more accepting and supportive with RESPECT (as we know there are posters on the walls throughout the hospital). Are we really teaching our children, our future by example effectively if bullying and disrespect is still occurring at the ADULT LEVEL in 2014? VCH needs to have the “KIDS” present an “Anti-Bullying” workshop annually to reiterate & re-educate the acronym meaning of RESPECT to all employees. Peace. .

        March 15, 2014