Spider-man stays!

Spider-man will continue to be a resident at Richmond Hospital, and he will have a home in our renovated atrium.

Responses to the previous article were unanimous in their support of the popular, but plastic, superhero – as were informal hallway chats with colleagues – so Spider-man will have a home in our atrium when renovations are completed in August.

We still don’t know exactly how he got there but, honestly, that has become a moot point. The fact is, he is here, he has become a part of our Richmond family, and he puts a smile on our face, so he will remain amongst us.  

Speaking of the atrium renovations, we’re getting lots of questions about why the second floor windows in the Westminster Health Centre have been papered over and curious onlookers asked not to peek past the paper. Unfortunately, this is a WorkSafe requirement and, to support the safety of the contractors, respect this requirement.

I also know that everyone is interested to know what’s going on behind the papered windows and hoarded walls so we will share photos regularly in this newsletter so you can follow the construction progress. Watch next week’s issue for a sneak peek at the latest developments.

Finally, we’d like to thank everyone at the hospital for your patience, flexibility and professionalism during the demolition work over the past two weeks. As you can hear, that work has been completed and we are moving onto the next phase of work. I’d like to thank the construction crew for accommodating our request to take noise breaks in between the work and in completing the demolition work in record time to give everyone’s ears a break.

  1. Lorna

    Happy news about Spiderman—such a small thing but the outcome is huge. Well done! Can’t wait to see him in his new home!

    May 13, 2014