The Burnaby Centre for Mental Health and Addiction Team.

Congrats to Dr. Jane Sun and the Burnaby Centre for Mental Health and Addiction

At the two-day Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) Tobacco Addiction Withdrawal Management (TAWM) course with 62 registrants, the Smoke-Free Excellence Award was presented to Dr. Jane Sun and BCMHA for their commitment and tenacity in establishing a smoke-free environment and campaign to enhance the Smoke-Free Premises Policy.

The Office of the Chief Medical Health Officer presented the award, honouring VCH staff that has shown leadership, displayed exemplary dedication and innovation in tobacco reduction in our region, encouraging smoke-free environments, educating staff and treating tobacco dependence.

BCMHA, a tertiary 100-bed residential treatment program for BC residents with concurrent disorders, launched the campaign on October 1, 2013 due to poor compliance and inadequate treatment resources. Initiatives included staff walkabouts, improved use of nicotine replacement therapy and client motivational interviewing. The evaluation indicated increased client confidence to quit, decreased cigarette litter, increased SFPP compliance, increased staff support and change in attitude.

Dr. Meena Dawar (Medical Health Officer, Vancouver) & Dr. Jane Sun (Interim Practice Initiatives Lead, Psychologist, Burnaby Centre for Mental Health & Addiction).

Dr. Meena Dawar (Medical Health Officer, Vancouver) & Dr. Jane Sun (Interim Practice Initiatives Lead, Psychologist, Burnaby Centre for Mental Health & Addiction).

Recently in VCH News, Jerry, a 65-year old client with the support from BCMHA and its smoking cessation group, became tobacco-free after being a pack-a-day smoker for over 50 years.

Dr. Sun and the team are innovative leaders in creating a smoke-free environment to heal, recover, work and visit: What happens on the outside affects how we practice on the inside and vice versa. Their successful campaign is now being modelled at other mental health facilities across the region.

Currently, Dr. Sun and BCMHA are working towards maintaining their smoke-free environment and culture, and addressing new challenges such as the electronic cigarettes.