Reminder: Who is your nearby GreenCare Commuter of the Year?
There’s only one week left to nominate.
Maybe your workplace basks in the glow of a SUPERHERO GreenCare Commuter;
– “(He) has a toddler at home but he still manages to summon the energy for riding to and from work. Superhero!!” (says CS of GL)
Or, you’ve gotten so used to your LONG-TIME GreenCare Commuter that you’ve stopped noticing their awesomeness;
– “he describes, ‘my bike is my other car’” (says JV of TM)
Or your workplace morale (& health!) has benefitted from your PIED PIPER GreenCare Commuter;
– (His) commitment to active living and limiting his family’s carbon footprint has been recognized by others (here). This includes other people walking or biking to work, or taking transit rather than driving their car to work.” (says CK of EY)
Maybe your workplace is just a little bit more pleasant each day because of a QUIET ACHIEVER GreenCare Commuter;
– “She arrives to work seemingly refreshed and I understand it’s partly due to the fact that she sings all the way here and says good morning to all the puppies walking along the way…” (says DC of SP)
Nominations accepted until the last minute of February!