GF Strong’s IRDP team: Front row: Dr Jacqueline Foley (physiatry), Dr. Sarah Meachen (psychology), Tara Keogh (social work), Romalyn Dolores(admin support) Back Row: Jonathon Russell (physio), Morio Shiono (OT), Shannon Di Iorio (SLP), Melanie Lewis (physio), Natalia Chambers (RA), Karen Wruck (SLP), Stacey Anutooshkin (OT) Missing: Kelly Sharp (coordinator), Chris Palmer (manager), Dr Jennifer Yao (physiatry)

Congrats to the ABI team!

Congrats to everyone involved with a successful partnership between VCH and the BC Brain Injury Association on the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Provincial Services Evaluation Initiative.

The project focused on describing services that demonstrate excellence in transitioning people living with ABI to be active community participants.

VCH ABI and Stroke Leads identified two programs/services for the evaluation: 1) Intensive Rehab Day Program (IRDP) at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre; and, 2) Intensive Rehab Outpatient Program (IROP) at Lion’s Gate Hospital.

The Phase 1 Report provides a wealth of information about ten excellent programs/services, articulates common success factors and names potential actions that can be taken to strengthen BC’s network of ABI supports.

LGH IROP Team members

The LGH IROP team (left to right):  Meera Dhebar ( social worker), Julia Baylis ( speech and language pathologist), Sydney Morrison (physiotherapist), Catherine Robinson (register nurse), Catalina Sanchez (physiotherapist), Susan Bittel ( occupational therapist), Meran Keshavarzi (rehab assistant).

Phase 2 plans include: 1) establishing a partnership with Stroke Services BC; 2) showcasing the programs/services; and, 3) anchoring this initiative in best practices.


For a summary of the initiative please go here.