Help improve your IT Service: Take our survey!

IMITS’ comprehensive engagement strategy identified many issues people were having with the current IT service as well as what they saw as the future state. We did one-on-one interviews with senior business and clinical leaders and many focus groups with staff, physicians, LMC groups, HSSBC, Community, and other operations groups.

Now it’s your turn. We’ve launched an online survey that will validate the responses received from all these sessions as well as help us determine the relative priority of IT service improvements from your perspective.

To take the survey:

• Copy and paste into Google Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer (version 9 or higher).
*Note that the survey won’t work properly in Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8.
• Use a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).


The survey will be open to responses until 1800 (6:00 pm) on Thursday, November 12th, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact Carol Boutin, Communications Manager, IMITS, at

  1. Susan Hendricks

    I have also had problems with completing this survey. This is a prime example of the frustrating IT-related issues we encounter. I made it to the half-way point in the survey before I was taken to a page with the following error message “503 Service Unavailable cherokee webserver 1.2.101 (ubuntu), Port 80”. I was using Google Chrome btw. Ironically, I wonder if I need to contact the Help Desk and log a service ticket…

    October 30, 2015
  2. Susan Hendricks

    Well, I too had problems responding to this survey – which is very frustrating and a prime example of the frustrations we often encounter with IT related issues. Half-way through the survey (Using Google Chrome btw) the following message displayed “503 Service Unavailable cherokee webserver 1.2.101 (ubuntu), Port 80.” Ironically, I wonder if I need to log a help desk request…

    October 30, 2015
  3. Anita Ford

    Wanted to complete your IT survey but something typical happened…1/2 way through the link broke and become a page unknown. Also, your NEXT and BACK buttons are backwards.

    October 29, 2015
    • Felicia Granger

      I also experienced the same “503 Service Unavailable” message after the first 2 pages of the survey. I’m unable to complete it and would like to provide input. Thanks!

      October 30, 2015