Members of CEAN and VCH Staff at the Spring CEANing on April 22nd, 2017 in Vancouver

Our super CEAN volunteers

During Volunteer Appreciation Week, we’d like to acknowledge VCH’s fantastic group of patient/public advisors who volunteer their time, knowledge and experience to help us improve the quality of care we provide.

Who are CEAN members?

Community Engagement Advisory Network (CEAN – pronounced “keen”) members provide over 2500 volunteer hours a year on engagement processes – and that number doesn’t include the hours our CEANs contribute –  sitting on over 45 VCH Advisory Committees. CEAN members are involved in projects and committees in all of our areas of care from public health to community services and acute care.

Why do they volunteer?

CEANs want to learn more about healthcare, be more engaged in their own health, and meet like-minded people. They want to be listened to and have a voice. They want to work with VCH to build a better system and influence change for the better!

Want to meet our fantastic CEAN members?

Visit the CEAN website and meet Seia Roots from the Sunshine Coast, Ella Rafii from Vancouver, and Nan Dunn from Powell River. Thanks for being CEAN to help!