Kitty Yung, Team Leader, Healthy Living Program presenting tips on healthy living

VCH staff present at healthy living event in Richmond

Staff from VCH’s Dental Public Health Program (Richmond), Healthy Living Program (Vancouver) and Tobacco Reduction Program (Richmond) were at a healthy living event for the public on Oct 22, 2017. Ming Pao Daily News, a Chinese-language newspaper, hosted the free, one-day healthy living event for the first-time at the Richmond Library and Cultural Centre. VCH staff offered:

  • oral self assessments (where people could use  disclosing solution on themselves to see whether their oral care was effective)
  • blood pressure and physical fitness screening
  • carbon monoxide testing (for those who smoke)
  • giveaways

Laurie Cheung, Tobacco Reduction Coordinator, Tobacco Reduction offering carbon monoxide testing and tobacco-related resources

The event included presentations (in Cantonese or Mandarin) and resources from experts on nutrition, healthy living, bone health as well as living tobacco-free and vape-free.

Lisa Enns, Dental Hygienist, Richmond Public Health Dental Program offering oral self-assessments

The health of Richmond residents

A report from My Health My community shows that only 37% of Richmond residents engage in 150 minutes or more of physical activity per week while 49% report spending 2 or more hours of screen time daily.  Physical inactivity and increased screen time contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, which could impact blood pressure and increase the risk of developing chronic diseases. This is of concern because 20% of survey respondents reported having high blood pressure.

The survey also indicated the smoking prevalence rate in Richmond to be 8%, and 26% reported being exposed to second-hand smoke in public places. Second-hand tobacco smoke has many carcinogens, and there is no safe level of exposure. Also of importance is dental health, where provincial kindergarten dental screening finds that approximately 20% of Richmond children have untreated visual tooth decay.  Once a child gets tooth decay, they are at high risk for tooth decay their entire life.

The event was a success!

According to Ming Pao, there were approximately 800 attendees from the Lower Mainland at the event. As the event was very successful, a similar event in 2018 is being considered.