Dr. Leslie Zypchen, clinical hematologist, Department of Hematology
VCH-Vancouver and 2011 VCH Research Institute Team Grant recipient
Do you have an important practice-based research question that you want to answer?
Did you know that VCH Research Institute has an in-house grant program that enables staff and research clinicians to conduct clinical health research?
Each year – funded by VCH Research Institute, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, North Shore Health Research Foundation, and Richmond Hospital Foundation – VCH Research Institute supports multidisciplinary research teams of VCH staff, physicians, and health researchers to move discoveries to the patient’s bedside, improving patient care within Vancouver Coastal Health and beyond.
You are invited to submit an application to the following two streams of funding opportunities!
1) 2013 VCH Research Institute Team Grants Competition
Team grants support VCH staff and clinicians to conduct applied health research projects to improve health care practice at Vancouver Coastal Health. VCH health care providers partner with experienced researchers who mentor them through the entire research process, from proposal to project completion. Accepted projects must have both an important clinically related question and rigorous research design to support it.
Award amount: a maximum of $30,000 for one year
Registration deadline: Thursday, December 4, 2012 by Midnight (PST)
Application submission deadline: Thursday, March 19, 2013 – paper copy by 6pm AND an electronic copy (email) by Midnight (both PST).
For full eligibility criteria and to apply visit: http://www.vchri.ca/s/PGIGAIC-TGC.asp
2) 2013 VCH Research Institute Investigator Awards Competition
Investigator awards are granted to individuals who are up-and-coming in clinical practice, who also demonstrate promise in related areas of translational health research at VGH,UBCHospitalor GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre. Support through these awards provides clinicians with protected time, allowing them to focus on advancing their research careers. There are two categories of investigator awards:
- Mentored Clinician Scientist Career Development Award (MCS): $75,000/year for two years, with possibility of a third year renewal. Awards are given to clinician scientists at the beginning of their careers as independent researchers, and must be actively mentored by a senior researcher.
- Clinician Scientist Career Development Award (CS): $100,000 per year for two years, with possibility of a third year renewal. Awards are given to clinician scientists who are early in their research careers, and committed to developing their careers as independent investigators.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 by Midnight (PST)
Application submission deadline: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 – paper copy by 6pm AND an electronic copy (email) by Midnight (both PST)
For full eligibility criteria and to apply visit: http://www.vchri.ca/s/VCHRI-CSA-IC.asp