BC ShakeOut Success – And the winner is…

A great big “Thank You!!” to everyone who participated in the Great BC ShakeOut drill on October 18th, 2012.  Staff were seen practicing their Drop, Cover, and Hold On techniques as they crawled underneath sturdy furniture or crouched next to interior walls for protection. 

The BC ShakeOut drill and recent Earthquakes off the coast of BC presented a timely reminder to each of us on the importance of having up to date emergency preparedness plans and emergency supplies kits, both at home and at work!  For more information on personal preparedness please visit the Emergency Management Office page.  The site will have resources on where to buy or how to create your own emergency supply kit, how to develop an emergency plan as well as what to have in your grab and go bag.

As part of the BC ShakeOut drill, departments were encouraged to complete an on-line survey.  Thank you for those that completed the survey.  The winner of the coffee party prize was (drum roll please…)

Richmond Hospital PACU/SDC: Sheila den Toom


Thank you once again to all those that participated!  If you or someone in your department has any photos of staff participating in the BC ShakeOut drill, we would love to receive them.  Please send them to emergency.management@vch.ca.