Thinking about a Golden Apple? Please register before you nominate

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 Excellence in BC Health Care Awards, also called the “Golden 2013 Nomination Poster FINAL 2013 Nomination Brochure FINAL Green apple in waterApple” awards, presented by the Healthcare Employers Association of BC. These awards are an excellent way to acknowledge the exceptional work we do at Vancouver Coastal Health.

To coordinate our submissions to the BC Health Care Awards this year, please forward the following information prior to submitting your nomination to You can nominate a group or individual.

  • Name of the person or group you wish to nominate
  • Manager of the person or group you wish to nominate
  • A brief summary explaining why you wish to nominate this person or group

The Excellence in BC Health Care awards celebrate excellence and innovation in BC’s health care community. Since 2007, VCH has earned 10 “Golden Apples” and 5 Awards of Merit. For more information and criteria for the Excellence in BC Health Care Awards, visit

2013 Nomination Poster [PDF]
2013 Nomination Brochure [PDF]