In 2003, a new, fast-paced format of presentation called Pecha Kucha was introduced in Tokyo – a departure from traditional, slower, text-heavy presentations that dampen forums and conferences.
At the upcoming True North Forum (TNF) on May 6th, several presenters will deliver their messages in the Pecha Kucha style, presenting 20 slides of riveting images – without text – for only 20 seconds at a time. Pecha Kucha’s have gained an international reputation for being concise, thought-provoking, informative and visually stimulating. “In a way, Pecha Kucha is like ‘show and tell’ for adults,” explains Jody Sydor Jones, Director of Community Engagement at VCH. “It’s about telling the story of a vision or a journey, or exploring a question that needs to be answered. It gives a clear and simple story line to any presentation.”
The focus of the next TNF is the True North goal of innovating for sustainability. “True North is an innovative approach and idea so we’re aiming to have our presentations be the same,” explains Sydor Jones. “Not only will the presentations be visually creative, the topics themselves capture the theme of innovation that is sustainable.”
Exemplifying a true commitment to innovation, the TNF will kick off with introducing Team IBM as our partner in the Clinical and Systems Transformation (CST) initiative happening across VCH. Come hear directly from Team IBM and other leaders of the team about the CST initiative, what it means to you, and how you can be involved as it rolls out.

One of the four VCH True North Goals
The Pecha Kucha topics to follow include:
- Designing for Quality – Linda Dempster, Executive Director, Quality and Patient Safety, shows how EmilyCarr University students are partnering with VCH on several quality initiatives.
- My Health My Community – Dr. Jat Sandhu, Regional Director, Public Health Surveillance, talks about an online tool that gives participants an opportunity to learn how their lifestyle, interaction within their community and their physical environment affects their health…and in turn, the data will be used for health and wellness planning.
- Patient Food Waste: The Elimination Challenge – find out what’s being done to lay waste to waste from Claudia Prusak, Senior Director, Contract and Operational Services, and Sunny Mak, Regional Director, Food Contracts.
- Survey Says – Cam Brine, Executive Director, Learning & Development, will introduce the next round of the Employee Engagement Gallup Survey.
Read the entire agenda here.
Monday, May 6, 2013
8 – 11 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Add the forum to your Outlook calendar now.
Two options: attend in person or by webcast
- Attend in person at the Paetzold Auditorium, VGH. Seating is limited. Please register on CCRS.
- Join the forum by webcast, using one of these links when the event is starting: Silverlight Player or Classic Viewer. Create a bookmark now. Please register on CCRS.
- You must have one of the players (Silverlight Player or Classic Viewer) installed on your system—check with Service Desk for assistance with this.
- New to webcasts? Check out this short video about how it works.
The recorded webcast will continue to be available after the event.
About the True North forums
The forums focus on the VCH True North goals that all of us – senior leaders, managers, physicians and staff – have in common. We might be working on different projects and using different strategies, but these goals are the desired end result. Join your colleagues to learn more about what’s happening across the health authority.
Our last forum was held on January 17, 2013. Visit VCH Connect for the archive of presentations.