HP toners now ordered through Microserve
HSSBC Supply Chain has negotiated a contract with Microserve to provide HP toners to VCH/PHC. To simplify the ordering of HP toners, Microserve has created a secure online store. Commencing August 1, 2013, orders for HP toners will be ordered through Microserve secure online store.
In order to access the Microserve Portal, you require an account. Please contact HSSBC Supply Chain Customer Service at scm_cs@hssbc.ca and provide the following information. This information will be provided to Microserve, and an account will be created for you. Microserve will contact you directly to confirm the account information and provide you with any information required to access their online store.
- Site
- Unit
- Department ID
- Cost Centre Owner
- Order Person
- Email of the order person
- First and Last Name of the order person
- Program/Unit
- Ship to Address
- Telephone number of the order person
For questions related to the Microserve web portal (such as password, access, etc.), please contact Microserve at orders@microserve.ca.
Thank you,
Talson St.Croix, Lead, Customer Relations HSSBC for VCH/PHC