How to deal with money-related stress

Welcome back to part three of our four part mini-series, Stress and Money.  We will now begin to explore the relationship between stress and money with the help of EFAP’s new Client Relations and Wellness Services Manager, Simone Riml.

Is dealing with money issues a common stress for people?

It’s not surprising that Stats Canada indicates that over one in four employees report being highly stressed and that amongst those stressors are finances.  What is more surprising is that it seems that taking care of ourselves (exercise, sleep, eating well, relaxation, counselling, e.g., for anxiety and depression) is becoming less and less of a priority. So, rather than handling stress in healthy ways, we are increasingly turning to unhealthy ways, watching TV instead of going for a walk, drinking more alcohol, staying up late worrying, etc.  And, of course, the more that we handle stress in unhealthy ways, the more that we decrease our ability to handle stress, and so the viscous downward cycle begins.  For some of us, this might mean that we feel unable to tackle our money issues at all.

What are some proactive tips you have for people to avoid financially-related stress? Exercise? A piggy bank?

It is a misnomer to think we can avoid stress or even “manage” stress. Instead, it might be more accurate and helpful to think in terms of increasing our personal resiliency – our ability to handle, bounce back and truly thrive with all that life throws at us including daily “stressors.” We increase our resiliency with self care – exercise, good nutrition and sleep hygiene, counselling, relaxation, laughter, etc. When we focus on self care as a priority, our personal resiliency increases and we create a new cycle – it becomes easier to handle life events, some daily “stressors” even disappear. We will be able to tackle our finances on a regular basis because we have the personal resiliency to tackle whatever we need to.

Be proactive:

  1. Keep track of your spending (first step is awareness)
  2. Talk to an expert (attend a Financial Consultation through EFAP.
  3. Make a plan with the help of an expert
  4. Get support from friends, family, community networks, counsellor and/or a coach

What are some good EFAP resources that VCH staff can take advantage of to ease financial stresses?

Start with a Financial Consultation by calling EFAP 604-872-4929 and/or attend a Financial Workshop for VCH employees. For Self-Care strategies call EFAP at 604-872-4929 to see how a Health Coach might help you.

Stay tuned

Stay tuned for the fourth and final segment of our Ask the Expert mini-series, Stress and Money, where Simone Riml will answer whether retail therapy is a good or bad habit.


SimoneSimone is responsible for developing and delivering integrated wellness programs to the Health Authorities, departments and the employees EFAP serves. Her expertise resides in health promotions, wellness programming and partnership development and has worked with some of BC’s leading employers to support employee health and well being. She brings extensive experience in Wellness to EFAP with an additional focus in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and its applications in the workplace.


  1. Jody

    Would really like it if EFAP could offer the Pensions/RRSP’s etc workshop and the Retirement Planning Workshop on the Sunshine Coast.


    March 19, 2014
    • koconnor

      Thank-you for your comments! In order to make our EFAP Financial Literacy Workshops more accessible we will record our upcoming Spring Workshops and post them on our EFAP YouTube channel at

      Once the details of our Spring Workshops have been finalized we will post these on our EFAP website at


      March 31, 2014
  2. Zoe

    Any chance there will be more of these work shops? They look interesting, but I was not available on the dates listed, especially the ones from 12-1.

    March 2, 2014
    • koconnor

      Thank-you for your comments! In order to make our EFAP Financial Literacy Workshops more accessible we will record our upcoming Spring Workshops and post them on our EFAP YouTube channel at

      Once the details of our Spring Workshops have been finalized we will post these on our EFAP website at


      March 31, 2014
  3. Shereen Russell

    These workshops sound very interesting and valuable. It is unfortunate that rural coastal is not included in sites for these workshops.

    February 25, 2014
    • koconnor

      Thank-you for your comments! In order to make our EFAP Financial Literacy Workshops more accessible we will record our upcoming Spring Workshops and post them on our EFAP YouTube channel at

      Once the details of our Spring Workshops have been finalized we will post these on our EFAP website at


      March 31, 2014
  4. Kathy Griffiths

    EFAP courses and services are excellent!! We attended our free 2 X 1 hrs. with the financial planners and they really helped my husband and I get our affairs ready for retirement! Excellent service. Also found out we have a one hour with a lawyer we can access for free that can look over a will or any other reason you may need to see one. Very happy with this service!

    February 20, 2014