Red carpet moments aren’t only for the Oscars

If you attended the recent True North Forum or watched the webcast, you heard our president and CEO Mary Ackenhusen say that winning a People First Award should be a really—really—big deal. That’s why the awards program is re-launching with new categories to honour staff and physicians who truly go above and beyond in their roles at VCH, moving us closer to our True North.

The survey said…

In a survey of more than 400 past winners over the last five years, we heard that the awards weren’t always hitting the mark. What would make them even more special? Here’s some of the feedback we’re incorporating into the new awards program:

  • They need to be personal, with specific examples of the recipients’ achievements.
  • While more than half of the past winners felt recognized by their supervisor or manager, few had a chance to celebrate with their colleagues.
  • There should be more rigour around the process for nominating a candidate, as well as selecting the winners.

What’s changing?

We know that one awards program cannot capture all of the outstanding work happening across VCH. But thanks to a working group with members from each Community of Care, and a public representative from the Community Engagement Advisory Network, the goal is for nominees and winners to feel special. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Fewer awards focusing on categories such as patient-centred care, teamwork and collaboration, innovation, the unsung hero and leadership.
  • Sharing criteria for each award upfront to help nominators complete the nomination forms and judges select the winners.
  • Improved, transparent processes for nominating candidates and selecting the winners.
  • A special awards reception in June to honour winners, cheered on by their invited guests.
  • More celebration of the winners and nominees online, including in VCH News, on the Up for Discussion blog and

Watch for the call for nominations

The nomination form will be posted on VCH Connect in March and will be shared in VCH News. Everyone working at VCH will be able to submit a nomination. Start thinking about colleagues and leaders who inspire you to aim even higher!