New to CCRS! Clinical Smoking Cessation training – essential skills and strategies.

Are you losing your patients outside because they’re taking a smoke break? Take the next step to better care for your patients by completing the new smoking cessation courses on CCRS. These courses will provide you with the essential skills and strategies to help patients cope with their withdrawal symptoms and potentially decrease or eliminate their tobacco use.

Two new courses have been created specifically for all staff and health care professionals within CCRS:

Clinical Smoking Cessation for All Staff – This course will provide you with an orientation on the Smoke-Free Premises Policy, and an overview of the complexities of tobacco dependence and use and smoking cessation best practices.

Clinical Smoking Cessation for Healthcare Professionals – This course will help you understand the Regional Tobacco Dependence Clinical Practice Guidelines, the physiology of nicotine addiction and provide you with knowledge of tobacco dependence treatment as a VCH/PHC Standard of Care through Canadian best practices. You will learn how to implement a systematic approach to the screening and treatment of tobacco dependence and how to talk to your patients about their tobacco use.

Visit CCRS at and search “smoking cessation.”


For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact:

Ely Weston, Program Manager-INSPIRE at