Give germs the rub

Alcohol based hand rub dispenser.
Remembering and practicing the 4 moments for hand hygiene is very important, but using the right method is also important. VCH recommends staff and visitors clean their hand with alcohol based hand rub (ABHR). It takes less than 15 seconds and is easy with no need for a sink, running water or paper towel. A common myth about ABHR is that is dries your hands. This is not true. The product has emollients in it to moisturize your hands as it cleans them.
Alcohol based hand rub (ABHR)
- Preferred method of cleaning your hands – quick and easy.
- Using ABHR on your way into the patient environment gives you the opportunity to “rub” it in front of the patient, so they know your hands are clean.
Soap and water
- When your hands are visibly soiled use soap and water.
- If the patient you are treating has C. diff or Noro always use soap and water.
Remember the 4 Moments
- Before initial patient/patient environment contact.
- Before aseptic procedure.
- After body fluid exposure risk.
- After patient/patient environment contact.
During January and February, health authorities in BC will be communicating to staff and physicians about the 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene with the goal of increasing hand hygiene compliance. Help promote the “4 Moments” by practicing them yourself, reminding others at meetings or rounds and by posting the 4 Moments poster where staff will see it.
- 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene poster
- How To Hand Rub poster (to be posted at sanitizer stations)
- How To Hand Wash poster (to be posted at sinks)
More information
Hand hygiene tools, resources and audit results are posted on VCH Connect.