5 questions with a People First nominator: Lisa Bower
Are you thinking about nominating a special coworker for the People First Award, but not sure? Would you like to know what it’s like to nominate someone for the award? In this Q&A, we talk to Clinical Education Lead Lisa Bower who nominated a People First Award winner last year and what the experience was like.
Who did you nominate?
Cathy Duerksen.
Why did you nominate her?
Cathy is a dedicated clinician and educator who has innovative ideas that contribute to better patient care.
Was it a fairly easy process?
It was easy to nominate Cathy because there are so many examples of how innovative she is.
How proud were you when she won?
It was great to see Cathy get the recognition she deserves!
What does the People First Awards mean to you?
People First Awards is an opportunity to honor people at the front line who are making a difference in lives our patients everyday.
What is the deadline?
Nominations must be received by midnight on Friday, April 1, 2016.
For more details, visit the VCH Connect People First section or contactac.hcv@sdrawAtsriFelpoeP