Are you prepared for an emergency?
Every year at this time, public safety and emergency management organizations across Canada take this opportunity to do public outreach and remind citizens of the importance of personal preparedness. Severe weather, widespread power outages, wild land interface fires, flooding and earthquakes are just a few of the hazards that can affect British Columbians.
As Emergency Preparedness Week comes to a close this year, hopefully everyone has had a chance to either review their current emergency preparedness plans or start getting prepared. Preparing for an emergency is everyone’s responsibility. Please take the time now to learn these simple steps about emergency preparedness.
1. Know the risks – although the consequences of disasters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to our community and our region can help you become better prepared.
2. Make a plan – it will help you and your family know what to do during and after an emergency.
3. Get an emergency kit – during an emergency, we will all need some basic supplies. An emergency may knock out basic utilities such as power and water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency.
Special offer for VCH employees
To assist staff with getting prepared, HEMBC has partnered with local emergency supplies vendor, F.A.S.T., First Aid & Survival Technologies Ltd. and Total Prepare Inc. to offer special discounts to all health authority staff that order emergency supplies during the month of May. To access this special offer, place your order through the online store of either vendor and enter the discount code listed below:
F.A.S.T., First Aid & Survival Technologies Ltd:
• Discount: 15% discount on complete emergency kits for orders over $100 before taxes
• Website:
• Discount Code: HEMBC
Total Prepare Inc.
• Discount: 10% discount on all items (excludes SuperTankers, MREs, Blue Can Water, freeze dried food packages that include multiple buckets); free shipping on orders over $150
• Website:
• Discount code: hembc2016
For more information on becoming better prepared for emergencies, please visit Health Emergency Management BC’s intranet page.