Get your FREE VCH pink bracelet!
February 22, 2017 is VCH Pink Shirt and Bracelet Day!
To kickoff this year’s campaign, staff are encouraged to join together to take a stand against bullying by completing an online entry form (in two minutes or less) to get a free VCH pink bracelet. For a chance to win a pink gift basket, share your respect story (optional) in the online entry form.
What is respect?
Last year, we asked teams to share what respect means to them and the winning phrases were included on the VCH pink t-shirt design. The key respect behaviours at VCH appear on this year’s pink bracelets: recognition, courage, inclusion, kindness, listening and empathy.
Speak up for respect 
Courage, one of the words on bracelet, means speaking up for yourself and others if you experience or witness disrespectful behaviour. “Many staff that call VCH’s No-Bully Line don’t realize that this may be the first step – and the only step – required to deal with bullying,” said Sara Arwin, Clinical Services Associate for VCH’s No-Bully Line. “Our anonymous support line provides confidential advice and can give staff the courage they need to have the conversation and address this behaviour directly without having to file a formal compliant with HR or their Manager.” Research shows that most people will stop their behaviour once it’s brought to their attention.
Here to help
“Being disrespected can hurt even the most confident person, and the impact can reach far beyond the boundaries of the workplace, said Anne Harvey, Vice President of Employee Engagement. “If you see or experience bullying, find the 10 seconds of courage to speak up – and know that VCH is here to support you each step of the way.” Call VCH’s confidential No-Bully line (1-844-662-8559) or speak to your manager/supervisor who can outline various support options, if you choose not to or have tried speaking to the person directly.
Submit soon; deadline is February 10!
Join the movement against bullying at VCH and get your free bracelet today! By wearing the pink bracelet staff are reminding themselves and others of the importance of showing respect in the workplace and taking a stand against bullying.
Help spread the word: printable promo posters
Related articles
VIDEO: VCH’s journey to Respect (open in Google Chrome):
If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Daluz, HR Advisor Lead for the No-bully program at More information on VCH’s Respectful Workplace program is available on the Employee Relations page.
Andre Siqueira
I have not received my bracelet yet. When is it coming?
Glenda Burrows
I like the idea of a campaign to hightlight the importance but continual reminders help in providing a Respectful workplace
I have mine too!
I entered the VCH pink bracelet part of the campaign as I work with a wonderful group of ladies and very proud to be part of their team! Recognisition is a great morale booster in our workplace.
Thank you
Barb B
Great campaign! Thanks – Have dug out my pink shirt!