Kelty’s Key opens the door for online therapy
On June 5, 2017, Kelty’s Key will roll out across the VCH region. It’s an innovative therapist-assisted online cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) Service and self-help resource for patients with internet access.
Who is involved with Kelty’s Key?
Kelty’s Key is driven jointly by the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation, VGH/UBC Hospital Foundation, and Vancouver Coastal Health.
To date, 20 local therapists across Vancouver, Coastal, and Richmond have attended the initial training workshops that will enable them to deliver online therapy. We are also looking forward to welcoming VCH Aboriginal Health and Vancouver Community Child & Youth Mental Health to the online movement in the near future.

Tablet view of Kelty’s Key, VCH’s online cognitive behaviour therapy service.
How is Kelty’s Key structured?
Current courses include depression, anxiety, panic, and family support. Courses in development include grief, insomnia, chronic pain, and addiction. Kelty’s Key uses engaging technology and a user-friendly interface to provide CBT completely online to those who reside within the VCH region. Clients can access their encrypted Hushmail account securely through a computer, smartphone or tablet to correspond with their online therapist. Once a week, online therapists connect with their clients via encrypted email to provide support and give feedback on their “homework.”
Development of Kelty’s Key
The Kelty’s Key pilot began in 2016 in Vancouver Acute VGH Health Centre inpatient care and has been a great success. Clients on the inpatient units visit the online therapy room, and are supervised by a psychologist and peer support worker while they work through the modules.
Making a referral
Referrals are processed through each Community of Care and/or program, and admission is dependent on a client’s place of residence. Currently, the Vancouver Outpatient Adult Mental Health and Substance Use department is accepting referrals through the Access & Assessment Centre. Clients must be Vancouver Residents and be over 17 years old. Please note that not all clients are a good fit for online therapy and that a screening will take place with the AAC and Online Therapy Team to determine suitability.
Currently, the Vancouver Outpatient Adult Mental Health and Substance Use departments is accepting referrals through the Access & Assessment Centre which can be contacted at 604-675-3700.
For more information on Kelty’s Key
Please visit the Kelty’s Key website or Kelty’s Key on
Kerry Dennehy
Looks good people!!