Updated VCH PPO website is live!

VCH has updated the pre-printed orders (PPO) website to help clinicians and staff easily and quickly locate the PPO they need.

What are PPOs and who uses them?

A PPO is a form that uses checklists and fill in the blank items to lay out the assessment and treatment options patients can receive for different conditions.  PPOs are used by clinicians and staff to help ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

A timeline of PPO sites

  • Before 2014: PPOs were on VCH Connect. They were organized by service categories (Emergency, etc.) or in alphabetical lists, and were often hard to find. For example, to find sepsis PPOs, you had to look under the letter “i” for “initial management of sepsis.”
  • 2014: We launched a new PPO website on VCH Connect where PPOs are searchable by keywords.
  • June 2017: The newest version of the PPO website went live. This project was initiated by Dr. Patrick O’Connor (VP Medicine), and led by Janet Joy and Carmen Dyck in collaboration with Tony Chang’s Web Solutions team at IMITS and members of VCH Regional and Local Pharmacy and Therapeutics teams.

What’s better about the new PPO site?

The site will look similar to what you’ve seen in the past, but now you can also:

  1. Search for PPOs using partial words. For example, typing “surg” will bring up PPOs that include the keywords “surgical” and “surgery.”
  2. Access the PPO site from non-VCH networked computers or devices. Great for clinicians who are working on-call or offsite!
  3. Use your smartphone or tablet to look up PPOs.

Logging into the new site

  • You can access the website two ways:
    • By visiting ppo.vch.ca
    • By going to the “Clinical” tab on VCH Connect and then clicking on “Pre-Printed Orders (PPOs)”
  • Then select your Community of Care (Richmond, Vancouver Acute or Coastal).

Tips for using the new PPO site

  • Search for PPOs using partial words as it’ll produce more results. For example, if you search with a partial word like “diab,” you’ll find PPOs that include words like “diabetes” and “diabetic.”
  • Search for PPOs using the singular word rather than the plural word. If in the Vancouver Acute PPOs, you search for a PPO using “wounds,” your search will result in 14 PPOs. If you search with the singular term “wound,” you’ll get 45 PPOs.
  • Use Chrome to use the site. Do not use Internet Explorer. All VCH computers should now be installed with Chrome. If you don’t have Chrome, call the VCH Service Desk at 604-875-4334.


For questions about the project to develop the new PPO site, please contact Janet Joy (Director of Innovation & Evaluation) 

For general questions about PPOs, please contact the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Lead for your VCH Community of Care: