Environmental Health Protection annual food bank tournament
It started a few years ago. The Environmental Health Protection group at the Vancouver office decided to hold a Christmas food bank drive. To make it more interesting, we had the office sign up in teams of 8 to 10 people, with each team choosing a name.
Past victories
The Tobacco Enforcement officers’ team, the Health Angels seemed to win most of the time and often at the last minute when the food and money were tallied. Last year, victory was snatched away when two teams merged to form the Victorious Consolidation to defeat the Health Angels. Over 910 pounds of food and $852 in cash was donated to the Vancouver Food Bank.

Last year’s teams 2016
2017 food drive
This year, the contest started late. We only had 2 weeks until December 20 to complete the tournament. But the competition was fierce as the Health Angels, now renamed Puff the Magic Dragons were looking to regain their victory title. Unfortunately, they were beaten by New Kids on the Block, a team primarily consists of new Environmental Health Officers and staff!

This year’s teams 2017
Together we exceeded our last year’s contribution. We raised $2,205 in cash money, which in food bank dollars equals $6,615 in addition to 454 lbs of food. For a small group, we do pack a big punch and has a big heart! Congratulations to the winners, and to everyone who participated!