Patient thanks Exercise 4 Brain and Neuro Health team

The following email was sent from a patient of the Exercise 4 Brain and Neuro Health program. For more information on the program, read the May story in VCH News: Innovative physio program partners with rec centre and family doctors.

I want to acknowledge the “Neuro” Exercise Program, a partnership between [Vancouver] Coastal Health and Squamish Recreation. This program has been a unique response in our community for people with conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS who want to exercise. 

The “Neuro” program of regular modest exercise and professional advice has given me the foundation to continue a successful program at home. In a recent MS Canada webinar the topic of exercise and the difficulties of MS people finding an exercise program specific to their needs was reviewed; people at my level of disability have great difficulty finding appropriate exercise classes and instruction. Even my Neurologist commented that I was very fortunate to have a program of such high calibre.

I believe we in Squamish are clearly at the cutting edge of community health. I want to thank Heidi Drygas the program founder, Krista Biggar and Yvonne Caswell for endless encouragement and enthusiasm for all us lucky “Neuro’s”. Finally special thanks to Rosella Bianco who keeps us all registered and happy to be in such a supportive atmosphere.

Yours in Community,