Staff, patients and visitors are now able to recycle food leftovers and other organic materials as part of a new program being launched in the LGH Terrace Cafeteria. Any food leftovers from your tray, breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner can now go into an “organic waste bucket” for organic recycling instead of the regular waste can (which winds up in the landfill).

The “organic waste bucket” is located by the conveyor belt in the cafeteria and is identified with a sign.
This latest recycling initiative is in addition to the available recycling bins (i.e. mixed papers, plastics & tins, beverage containers) in the cafeteria.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your effort in being a “recycling champion” in our cafeteria.
*Did you know: LGH, EGH Patient Food Services, LGH Retail Services have recently implemented organic recycling for pre and post consumer organic waste. All organic waste is being collected by a vendor then delivered to an organic composting plant in Metro Vancouver.
For further information, please contact the following individuals:
Sian Hoe Cheong at or 604-984-3834 or Ladan Yahyavi at or 604-984-5959

The organic recycling program is in addition to the existing programs in place for mixed paper, plastics & tins and beverage containers.