Sacred space welcomed by Kiwanis Care Centre residents

Tsleil Waututh First Nations band members were part of a multi-faith blessing of a new sacred space area at North Vancouver’s Kiwanis Care Centre earlier this week.
Earlier this week, VCH-Coastal’s Kiwanis Care Centre staff and residents celebrated the opening of a sacred space, continuing their innovative work in providing a safe, nurturing environment.
Staff, residents and families raised funds for the space in a variety of ways including collecting pennies, Canadian tire money and holding raffles. Local retailers also supported the project with special pricing where possible.
“This is the continuation of our efforts to enhance end of life on the North Shore,” says KCC Manager Jane Webley. “We want to be able to provide services and resources that promote living life as fully as possible, and also help residents and their families during, and following, bereavement.”
The sacred space was blessed in a multi-faith ceremony with residents, staff and family members taking part in the ceremony. Everything for the space was carefully chosen to promote relaxation or meditation including the plants, flowers, room colours and furniture.
Those involved in the project expect the room will help create more positive feelings around end of life and assist anyone connected with KCC in the grieving process. As many residents spend a number of years at Kiwanis Care Centre, strong relationships are formed and, when a resident passes away, the death often has a significant psychological and emotional effect on the friends left behind.
The sacred space is designed as a place where a person – a resident, their family member or staff – can go for some quiet time, including for rituals, meditation or yoga as a way for someone to get centered and feel more connected to what’s meaningful in their life.

A number of Kiwanis Care Centre residents were on hand to take part in the blessing of the sacred space for their home.

Representatives from a variety of faiths helped bless the Kiwanis Care Centre’s new sacred space including (l to r) Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Usman of the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church; Hanif Mawji; Coastal Chaplain Andres Rebanes; and, Muki Al-Nashir Jamal, Ismaili Jamatkhanas.