LGH Foundation honours nurses for education during Nurses Week

Olivia Matthews and Nichola Cumming (l to r) were honoured for their ongoing pursuit of education during Nurses Week activities at Lions Gate Hospital.
The LGH Foundation honoured two dedicated nurses for their pursuit of ongoing education as part of this year’s Nurses Week celebrations held recently at Lions Gate Hospital. This year’s recipients, Olivia Matthews and Nichola Cumming, were chosen in conjunction with VCH-Coastal Professional Practice and the LGH Foundation and received bursaries towards their studies:
Olivia Matthews is pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Specialty Program, at BCIT. She is a valued member of the LGH 3 East pediatrics team, and has been working as an RN there for 2 years.
Nichola Cumming is pursiung her Masters of Nursing at Uvic. Her clinical background is orthopedics and cardiology but she has been in the educator role for a number of years at LGH and is currently with the Clinical Education Department.