LGH staff getting prepared in case of big emergencies

Disaster and emergency events can cause strain our ability to deliver care. Recognizing the importance in having emergency management training, Lions Gate Hospital was the host site for an 8-hour Incident Command System course — affectionately known as ICS 100 — sponsored by Health Emergency Management British Columbia (HEMBC) on April 29.

The course required that the 15 participants — from department Managers to Emergency Department  nursing staff, from Patient Care Coordinators to Facilities staff — take part in a mock exercise which was eye-opening for some.

Decontamination training for LGH ED nurses practiced regularly

On April 22, you might have walked by the Lions Gate Hospital Emergency Department  and wondered to yourself – is there a pandemic going on or something? You would have seen LGH Emergency Department nurses dressed up in space-age-looking  gear taking a half-dressed fellow to the decontamination shower beside the Ambulance Bay.

Thankfully, the events of that day were just an exercise and part of  ongoing decontamination training for LGH ED nurses, preparing them for the day when patients do arrive at the ED contaminated and in need of medical help. This regular exercise allows them to practice putting on, and working in, the personal protective gear required to decontaminate a patient without risking harm to themselves. Every year, HEMBC runs a couple of these exercises using actors to play the role of an injured and contaminated patient.

We will be offering future Emergency Management courses throughout the coming year. Keep an eye on VCH News as we provide updates on available courses.

Health Emergency Mgmt BC Emergency Mgmt Coordinator Dave Reid takes one for the team as he plays the role of a contaminated patient for the sake of emergency training with the LGH ED nurses.

Health Emergency Mgmt BC Emergency Mgmt Coordinator Dave Reid takes one for the team as he plays the role of a contaminated patient for the sake of emergency training with the LGH ED nurses.