LGH staff Swing into Spring for fun and a good cause
This year’s recent Swing into Spring activities at Lions Gate Hospital were a smashing success on a number of fronts, raising $4,350 for the foundation while hundreds of staff and physicians celebrated everything from great food from around the world to green beer and Guinness.
“We’d like to thank everyone who took part and all the hospital staff who volunteered to make all of the fun happen,” says LGH Foundation Director of Development Louise Campbell. “And special thanks go to our Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) members: Anne Moonan-Woods, Christie Manlolo, Colette Shearing, Girlie Candido, Roya Hessami, David Damian and Leslie Chatelain.”
This year’s lineup of fun was a big expansion over last year’s activities and included:
Multicultural Day

People baked and brought goodies from a number of countries around the world as part of the Multicultural Day that took place in the LGH Lobby.
Dodgeball Tournament
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Dance

LGH’s own Anne Moonan-Woods was the vibrant lead singer for Persons of Interest, who rocked the LGH Gymnasium with some Irish oldies and some newer goodies. With a full dance floor for most of the night, the band was a highlight for the 80 or so attendees on the Friday evening.

The LGH Gymnasium was a full house, with staff, physicians and guests dancing until late, all for a good cause.

Green was the theme for some, including Foundation staff and volunteers who worked hard to make the St. Patrick’s Dinner & Dance a success.
We can’t wait to see you all out in your greens next year!