The North Shore-based iYOS team includes (L-R) Dale Handley, Project Development Nurse, psychiatrist Dr. Cindy Holdsworth, hospital liaison Miles Lozinsky, administration assistant Del Demehri, and clinicians Kevin Holland and Ted Robinson.

North Shore youth well served by new iYOS mental health team

 “They’re so good the whole team needs to be cloned.”

These are the words of a grateful North Shore parent whose teenage child found the mental health help and support he needed through a new VCH service called iYOS (Intensive Youth Outreach Service).

Launched in May, the iYOS team provides urgent response (within 72 hours) and short-term mental health services to North Shore youth ages 13 to 19 who are experiencing acute or emotional crises in addition to moderate to severe substance use concerns (e.g. alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs).

Led by project development nurse Dale Handley, the iYOS team was created to bridge the gap between the services provided by the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s (MCFD) North Shore staff and Lions Gate Hospital’s Emergency Department.

Team works youth-friendly hours

A key iYOS goal is connecting with youth in crisis before they end up in Emergency. To make that happen, the iYOS team takes referrals from all sources and works youth-friendly hours (Tuesday to Friday: 9 am – 10 pm and Saturday to Monday: 11:30 am – 10 pm).

“I’ve worked at sites across B.C. and found that access to services can be very hospital driven,” says Dale, whose passion for working with youth with mental health concerns started early in his nursing career in his native Australia. “For example, a youth, family or community service wanting to receive urgent service could only do so by visiting an emergency department. While I appreciate there are many circumstances where this is needed, there are also many times when a youth can be safely seen and assessed in a less restrictive environment in a shorter period of time.

“For many youth, this first assessment is the entry point into mental health services and ideally this should occur in a comfortable environment before the need to use the emergency department happens to increase their willingness to continue in services.”

Because some of the clients referred to the service have experienced a traumatic event in their life, the iYOS team strives to offer a compassionate, safe, trustworthy and strength-based service, with the client and family recognizing the power and control they have over the service they receive.

“Because of past trauma, a client may be reluctant to seek services due to the stigma associated with mental health and substance use treatment,” explains Dale. “We strive to increase the ongoing engagement and collaboration of our clients and families in addressing their underlying concerns by allowing them to meet in a comfortable setting, like the youth’s school, and exploring strengths and identifying what the client’s needs and wants are.”

Service provides alternative to hospital visit

Since the service launched five months ago, the iYOS team – made up of three clinicians with backgrounds in nursing, social work and counselling as well as two psychiatrists and an admin assistant – has received close to 200 referrals. But no day is ever the same, says Dale and his team. Each youth faces a different challenge whether it’s independence, exams, post-secondary options, drug abuse, peer pressure, stressors associated with social media, family problems or job hunting.

“This stress, combined with a mental health or substance use concerns, can increase the level of risk if they feel they’re unable to cope.  When this happens, the youth and their family typically need an urgent assessment and assistance in navigating the health care system,” explains Dale. “Often these concerns are identified at school, by family or by a community member, and when trying to access urgent services, typically the only known option is hospital.  We’re providing an effective alternative to this when a hospital visit is not needed to maintain safety.”

The last few months have shown Dale’s iYOS team that the North Shore community is one to be proud of when it comes to helping youth with mental health concerns.

“I’m very impressed with the willingness to engage, collaborate and talk about the needs of youth on the North Shore, and the level of passion shown across all areas to improve access to all levels of service.”

To make an iYOS referral, call the intake number at 604-984-3884. For non-urgent contact, call 604-988-3131 ex. 5406.