Half-century Christmas tradition on LGH children’s ward continues thanks to retired RN
Every year around this time, Marie Ramsay leaves her home in Tsawwassen and makes her way to Lions Gate Hospital. She comes armed with a massive wreath and ready to deck the halls with boughs of holly.
Once at LGH, Marie heads straight up to the pediatric unit where she spends hours transforming the ward into a place of Yuletide wonder. It’s something she’s been doing since 1966, except for last year when she had hip replacement surgery.
The children’s ward holds a special place in Marie’s heart. It’s where she spent all but one of her nursing years working as an RN. Marie began her nursing career at LGH in 1965. A year later, she started working in the pediatric unit where she remained until her retirement in 2007. Retirement didn’t mean an end to Christmas decorating, however.
“I like to come in and get caught up,” said Marie at the start of her “decorating shift” yesterday. “I really enjoy kids, which is why I stayed on this unit for all those years. Kids are honest and when kids make a big mess, I don’t mind cleaning it up.”
Staff on the unit have been so impressed with Marie’s dedication that they presented her with a gift of a pointsettia this week. They also felt she deserved time in the VCH News spotlight – but not just for the Christmas season. Marie also comes in to decorate the unit for Valentine’s Day, Easter and Halloween.
“Marie is a very special lady,” says Ruby Bahia, LGH’s Patient Care Coordinator, Pediatrics. “She has put in so much time and effort into making the pediatric unit cheerful for all the admitted kids and their families. And once the holiday season is over she comes in and takes everything down.”
Marie also has elves who help with the decorating, like RNs Sheila McFadden, Jan Hancock and Joanne “JJ” Jurimae, who come in on their days off to help make over the unit.
“We try to coordinate the day so we are all here together,” says Marie of her helpers.
Although she uses a walker, Marie has no plans to stop the decorating.
“I’ll come as long as I can, but I have started training other people,” she says.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas on the pediatric ward at LGH thanks to the efforts of retired RN Marie Ramsay.
Terri Betts
Thanks, Marie, for your dedication to beautifying the peds ward for holidays. As the pharmacist for the ward, I get to admire your handiwork on a regular basis.
The first thing I thought of, when I found out that you started as an RN on the ward in 1965, is that when I was admitted to LGH for a tonsillectomy as a kid, I only missed you by a year!
Happy holidays to you and all my past & present nursing colleagues on 3East.