LGH tournament brings out the Amaze Balls, Daj Mabals, Bright Balls and more
The third annual Lions Gate Hospital Dodgeball Tournament was another resounding success as eight teams invaded the hospital gymnasium for some stress-relief, laughs and community spirit.
What’s in a name?
In keeping with the theme, there was no shortage of colourful team names at the 2016 tournament.
The teams included: Projectile Dysfunction, Precautionistas, Doj Mabals, Crotch Shots, The Babcocks, Bright Balls, Amaze-Balls and H.H. Human Target.
The Crotch Shots took home dogdeball glory beating every team it played.

The Bright Balls team consisted of members from the Rehab department including Steve Weins, Kelsey Green, Suzanne Banks, Mariere Legrand, Lisa Stone and Gwen Louie.

Representing the pediatric unit was a team called the Daj Mabals, whose members included Christie Manlolo, Karen Baillie, Melissa Watt, Andrea Faught, Brittany Gould and Annie Ta. (On the far right is tournament referee Allan Burgmann.)

Representing Community was the Home Health Human Targets, whose members included (in no particular order) Joya Gamache, Jennifer Honey, Pamela Chen-Pomeroy, Samantha Ellis, and Heidi Prinzing (who missed the photo).
Susie Chant,

Getting ready to dodge are the Babcocks from the OR. Members included two children (staffer spawn presumably), Sara Salmon, Allison Parker, Jenni Smith and Joanna Woodyard.