Get ready to Dunk a Doc at second annual Lions Gate Hospital staff BBQ
Mark your calendars! The second annual Lions Gate Hospital BBQ for staff, physicians and volunteers takes place next week. This year’s theme is Dunk a Doc.
Day: Wednesday, June 15
Time: 11 am – 1 pm
Where: LGH upper parking lot (outside the Gymnasium)
Why: Lunch is compliments of Mike Nader, Chief Operating Officer – Coastal, and put on by the LGH Foundation (organized by the Staff Advisory Committee) to thank the staff/physicians/volunteers for their hard work and dedication and to kick off summer in style.
Sodexo is co-sponsoring the event and serving up burgers (beef or veggie), chips, pop and ice cream.
Free lunch (with ID)
Along with a free lunch for each staff member, physician or volunteer – ID badges required please (guests are $5) – attendees will be invited to join in a number of fundraising activities such as:
Dunk A Doc ($2/ball or 3 for $5), 50/50 draw and a Guessing Jar ($1/guess) – guess how many red syringe caps and you could win a $25 gift card to Mehri’s Place (all proceeds to the Foundation which go right back to the hospital).
Help us to improve patient care at OUR hospital!
It’s dunking time
Confirmed dunkees include:
- Dr. Stuart Horak, Medical Director and Head, ER
- Dr. Brian Hunt, Retired Neurosurgeon
- Dr. Alan Bagoo, Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon
- Dr. Allan Burgmann, Medical Manager of Acute Psychiatry
- Dr. Glenn Robertson, Pediatrician
- Dr. John Vyselaar, Head of Cardiology
- Dr. Ross Brown, Co-Senior Medical Director
- Special Guest: Mike Nader, COO LGH & Coastal
As you know, Mike is moving to Toronto later this summer for an exciting new challenge with the University Health Network (UHN), where he will be the Executive VP of Clinical Operations and Practice. So let’s show Mike some LGH love by dunking him – repeatedly. All for a good cause, remember!

Coastal COO Mike Nader is the special guest for the Dunk a Doc event at the second annual LGH staff BBQ June 15. Mike’s pictured here from last year’s BBQ.

Leanne Appleton, Director Perioperative Services & Project Lead LGH Site Redesign, got dunked last year.