Making connections at HOpe Centre’s Sacred Space
VCH staff, managers, directors and members of the public attended an open house at the Sacred Space June 20 at the HOpe Centre where they met and connected with members of the VCH Aboriginal Health Team, a representative (Naomi Williams-Shackelly) of the First Nations Health Authority (FHNA- Vancouver Coastal) and members of the Squamish and Lil’wat Nations.
The open house began with a traditional blessing by members of the Squamish Nation, which was followed up by heartfelt comments from Seis’lom, a Lil’wat elder who works with the VCH Aboriginal Health.
Meet your Aboriginal Health Team
Some members of the Aboriginal Health team who were on hand to share information including Dion Thevarge, Team Lead of Aboriginal Patient Navigator team, Strategic Lead Aboriginal Health, VCH; Deni Wallace, Aboriginal Patient Navigator; Laurel Jebamani, Aboriginal Health Lead ; and Rochelle Johnson, Aboriginal Patient Navigator .
The team works to improve the health status and wellness of Aboriginal people in the region in collaboration with local First Nations communities, the FNHA, and urban Aboriginal organizations.
“It was wonderful to see so many people – staff, clients, and First Nations community members – gathered together to celebrate the rich Aboriginal culture of the Vancouver Coastal region,” says Laurel Jebamami, Aboriginal Health Lead, VCH.
“The smudging ceremony that Seis’lom performed in the HOpe Centre Sacred Space was an unforgettable experience.”

Members of the VCH Aboriginal Health team include (top l-r): Dion Thevarge, Team Lead of Aboriginal Patient Navigator team, Strategic Lead Aboriginal Health and Deni Wallace, Aboriginal Patient Navigator. Bottom right – Laurel Jebamani, Aboriginal Health Lead and Rochelle Johnson, Aboriginal Patient Navigator.
About the Sacred Space
The Sacred Space in the HOpe Centre was officially unveiled and blessed in July 2015. It is available to HOpe Centre and LGH patients, their families, friends and Elders in need of refuge or solace during an emotional time. Following the Coast Salish teachings, the Sacred Space welcomes all faiths and cultures for prayer, meditation and spiritual ceremonies, including drumming, smudging and ceremonial use of traditional medicines.

Following the Coast Salish teachings, the Sacred Space welcomes all faiths and cultures for prayer, meditation and spiritual ceremonies, including smudging.
For more information on the Sacred Space, other supports and services for Aboriginal clients, or ways to incorporate cultural safety and responsiveness into your workplace, please contact: Aboriginal Health Services at