Coastal Community of Care all shook up for Great BC ShakeOut
Nobody can say staff in the Coastal Community of Care don’t know what to do during an earthquake. From the North Shore up to the Central Coast, staff took cover at 10:20 this morning (Oct. 20) for the Great B.C. Shake Out 2016. And we have the photos to prove it, including one of our safety-conscious Chief Operating Officer Karin Olson.

Coastal Chief Operating Officer Karin Olson takes cover.
Bella Bella

Bella Bella medical clinic assistant Malarie Dixon ducks under her desk.

RN Susan Chatelier (in red) and patient care aide Doris Windsor take cover at R.W.Large Memorial Hospital.
Squamish General Hospital

Finance clerk Tristan Rayner takes cover at Squamish General Hospital.

Lori Green, from SGH medical records, knows what to do.
Powell River

Powell River General Hospital’s Manager of Acute Corinna Curtis, HR advisor Wendy Reynolds, and Director Pat Townsley, take cover.
Sechelt Hospital

Sechelt Hospital staff didn’t waste any time to drop, cover and hold on in the Great BC Shakeout this morning. Director Lauren Tindall received eight status forms, all with “great” information.”
Lions Gate Hospital

Coastal Operations Director Elizabeth Stanger ducks, covers and holds… all with a smile.

John Tully, Regional Leader, Home and Community Care, quietly takes cover.

Joanne Wooldridge, Regional Leader Maternity/Child and office mate to John Tully, takes cover.
Jody Sydor Jones
Wow “Coastal!” Way to go, showing off our colours right across our entire community of care!
Samantha Wilbur
Amazing response!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!!