Bella Coola staff kudos: ‘You can be proud of your institution and its staff’
While on a recent trip to the Central Coast, a tourist became ill and had to be taken to Bella Coola General Hospital. A former medical professional, the patient had nothing but praises for the friendly and caring staff.
Here is his letter:
I am writing to commend you and your staff for the care I received in your Emergency Department in recently.
I was on a fishing trip when I became ill. I was helicoptered to the Bella Coola airport and brought to your hospital where I was evaluated and treated promptly.
I was observed for the night and discharged at my leisure in the morning. I was attended by Dr. Stephenson and an RN who I remember as Andy. They were exceptional!
Every person that I encountered at your hospital was capable and friendly. Vera Robson has been very helpful with my records. I thought the charges for my care were fair and reasonable.
I practiced anesthesia for thirty years. I know a little about medical care. Mostly, I have a good sense of the people involved in health care. I think there is a strong culture of healing and caring at your hospital. I think you can be proud of your institution and its staff.
Thank you.
Velma Smyth
Congratulations to the staff at Bell Coola Hospital. Well done!! V. Smyth