Karin Olson, Chief Operating Officer, Coastal.

VIDEO: Karin Olson shares her thoughts on CST

Karin Olson is new to the role of Chief Operating Officer, Coastal Community of Care, but she’s been around VCH for a good part of her career. The Clinical and Systems Transformation (CST) project is one of many priorities as part of her role, with the Lions Gate Hospital campus and Sea-to-Sky sites set to be activated first.

Karin shares her thoughts on CST with us: how the new shared clinical information system will improve communication, what this will mean for clinicians and what she’s excited about.

See below for a transcription of the video, or turn captions on by clicking the “CC” button on the lower right-hand corner of the video.

Visit CSTproject.ca to learn more.


We’re actually going to be implementing a clinical information system and providing more up-to-date, in-the-moment communication than we’ve ever done before.

I’ve met some of the members of the CST team and I’ve really enjoyed meeting with them. We can’t do it without the CST team and their enthusiasm and their knowledge, along with the clinical teams that are waiting and excited about this, I’m looking forward to that part.

It’s the biggest change they probably will go through in their careers, and we’re asking them to do that while still providing care. So we have to make sure that we provide enough at-the-elbow support and training and opportunity to see the product ahead of time so they feel as comfortable as possible before go-live.

What excites me about what lies ahead? It’s the right thing to do.

If people can put up with the struggles we will have, and some of the stumbles we will have on this journey, I think they will find that it excites them too.