Family Fit Fest Day brings out the community in Bella Coola
About 200 people joined in on the fun at the annual Family Fit Fest Day in Bella Coola on the holiday Monday.
Public Health nurse Elizabeth Lodge co-organized the 2017 event in conjunction with First Nations Health Authority, Healthy Beginnings, Active Communities, the nutritionist, and the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
“We had a great afternoon with many people coming to take part in the activities,” says Elizabeth. “The sun even decided to grace us with its presence. All in all it was a great community event.”
The event-filled afternoon included a Nuxalk drumming/welcome song, a hay ride, nature walk given by local Fisheries and Junior Rangers, a hot lunch, scavenger hunt, face painting and more.
The original motivation for the event was to encourage activity and fitness in the community, but a number of years ago the event evolved into a more family-centred event because of the realization that there are not very many opportunities in our tiny community for families to get out and enjoy a day of fitness and activity together, explains Elizabeth.
“This is the time of year when the snow is melting and the sun is returning to the valley, and families seem to love to come out and be together,” says Elizabeth.
The event was also made possible with the help of a BC Government grant, support from many local volunteers, and donations of goods and services.

Participants enjoyed a hay ride during the Family Fit Fest Day in Bella Coola on Feb. 13, 2017.

Nuxalk drumming/ welcome song.