Giving thanks to the many volunteers across the Coastal Community of Care
Dear volunteers;
April 23 to 29, 2017 is National Volunteer Week. In recognition of the tremendous work of all of our volunteers and on behalf of Vancouver Coastal Health, Coastal Community of Care, I would like to thank you for your contribution to healthcare programs in our community.

Karin Olson, Chief Operating Officer for the Coastal Community of Care.
Your commitment to volunteering benefits our hospitals, communities and residential care programs and clients. The volunteer hours that you so willingly give are greatly appreciated and are a reflection of your generosity and spirit of giving.
We are very fortunate to benefit from the energy, dedication, compassion and hard work of our volunteers who support our programs and make a difference in the lives of so many residents in their time of need.
On behalf of the staff in the many facilities and departments that you support, we are truly grateful for your ongoing efforts.
On a personal note, it gives me tremendous pride to be part of an organization that engages such selfless and caring people.
In the words of Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Thank you for giving.
Karin Olson
VCH-Coastal Chief Operating Officer
Read more:
Meet Kaarina, a 40-year volunteer on the North Shore.