ICYMI: Highlights from last week’s LGH All Staff Forum
For Lions Gate Hospital staff who were unable to attend last week’s all-staff forum in the CST Hub (the old library), here are a few updates and kudos Karin Olson, Chief Operating Officer – Coastal, shared with attendees.
As it was National Nursing Week, Karin saluted all the nurses in the room and across our Coastal Community of Care.
“The work you do every day is often unsung but know that it is valued, appreciated and respected by myself and the entire leadership team,” said Karin. “Further, I’d like to recognize the tremendous teamwork of all of you, across all professionals, over the past couple of months. Together you have had a direct and positive impact on our patients across the North Shore.”
Kudos: patient access and flow
Thanks to the collective efforts of staff in the hospital and in community, LGH has generated stellar results in patient access and flow.
Two noteworthy outcomes include improving the timeliness in which patients receive a bed and their length of stay.
Our target is for 55 per cent of patients to be in a bed within 10 hours of admission through ED. This is something we’ve continually struggled with.
“With the renewed efforts this April a majority of patients are being placed in a bed under 10 hours. This is really incredible,” said Karin.
Another highlight is an improvement for patient stays over 30 days in hospital – also referred to as long length of stay.
In the last couple of months, LGH has reduced the number of patients in this category by 50 per cent.
Year to date is showing the following trends:
- Inpatient cases are down 11%;
- ED visits are down 4.2%;
- ED admits are down 3.6%
“As well, thanks to a significant improvement in overtime and sick time across the entire CoC, we have been able to deliver consistent care with consistent staffing,” said Karin. “On behalf of myself and the leadership team, I say thank you and let’s keep up the good work.”
Project updates
- Outpatient Care Centre (OCC)
The Outpatient Care Centre is on track for a summer completion, with a phased move in date starting in August. Which means by the end of September all the services temporarily located on 2West will return to a brand new space to serve patients.
- The Atrium:
Phase 1 of the redesign will likely begin in early June with the installation of two large skylights. The other phases of the project include relocating the stairs up to the second floor and down to the lower level.
The atrium refresh also includes a revamped Mehri’s Café with more seating and views of the mountains.
(Please check your emails regularly for more details on when construction will start.)
“These projects are becoming a reality thanks to the LGH Foundation and its LGH Now Campaign, which has raised more than $6 million toward a new OCC, Atrium, Sacred Space and Academic Hub. So a heartfelt thanks to Judy Savage and her team at the Foundation and the many generous donors, who’ve contributed to this campaign,” said Karin.

LGH Atrium renewal design.
CST update
The Coastal CST team is hosting peer mentor kick-off sessions between May 19 and 29, when peer mentors will learn more about their roles and how they will serve as an information resources and support for their peers in working with the new clinical information system.
A few things Karin also highlighted include:
- Clinicians and physicians are validating the clinical information system
- Education and training will cater to specific learning styles, speciality areas and the realities of your day-to-day work
- You will get hands on practice before we Go Live
- There will be elbow-to-elbow support from site-based peer mentors when we Go Live.
- Detailed patient volume and staffing plans are being prepared so we are ready for a successful Go-Live transition.
- Ultimately, this transformation – which will not end with Go-Live – is about people, not systems. It will take all of our efforts to make it the success that I know it will be.
“You’re going to start seeing a ramp up in communications over the next few weeks and months, and our team will reach out in a variety of ways,” said Karin. “Watch for updates and be sure to read the bi-weekly CST Coastal Update newsletter.”
People First Awards – Coastal winners!
This award is for a respected, compassionate leader who inspires their peers and team with their thirst for excellence.
Award of Excellence
- Dale Handley, Head Nurse, Carlile Youth Concurrent Disorders Centre, HOpe Centre
The Unsung Hero
This award is for an individual who has consistently gone above and beyond without fanfare to the benefit of the organization and the people around them, whether they are patients or fellow staff members.
Award of Excellence
- Brent Fitzsimmons, Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Program Coordinator, Public Health for Gibsons, Sechelt & Pender Harbour
Award of Merit
- Nova Cleghorn, Nurse Educator, Medical, Surgical & Pediatrics, Powell River General Hospital
This award is for an individual who uses their courage and creativity to bring forward innovative solutions that challenge the status quo, improve quality and move us toward a more sustainable health care system.
Award of Merit
- Michelle Hecht, Registered Nurse, Emergency Department, Lions Gate Hospital
“Congratulations to all the winners. These are very significant awards and Coastal winning four of them demonstrates the good work our staff across the Community of Care put in every day,” says Karin.