LGH celebrates National Volunteer Week
National Volunteer Week celebrations continued this week at Lions Gate Hospital with cake and a recognition of all the women and men who generously donate their time to help patients and families navigate their way around the hospital.
Saying thanks to the volunteers (and cutting an enormous cake) was Karin Olson, Chief Operating Officer, Coastal at an event organized by Rocio Andrews, Manager, Volunteer Services.
As you know, National Volunteer Week is April 15-21 across the country.
More than the 500 North Shore volunteers contributed more than 42,000 hours to a variety of VCH facilities and programs last year. From acute care and residential care to adult day centres, community health clinics, hospice, gift shops, and the Thrift Shop, you’ll find volunteers helping comfort thousands of people making their way through the medical system.
To all VCH-Coastal staff and physicians, please take a moment out of your busy schedule to thank a volunteer for his or her time.

A thank you board to volunteers at Lions Gate Hospital.