The outbreak of influenza declared at Minoru Residence is still in effect. Staff, residents and visitors should continue to follow the strict infection control processes already in place. Your efforts are appreciated and they are having a positive impact!
The following measures remain in effect at Minoru:
- The facility is closed to admissions and transfers until further notice.
- Extra housekeeping services will remain in place until further notice.
- All staff and physicians moving between units and facilities must adhere to hand washing and outbreak measures.
- Staff must wear a surgical (procedure) mask and eye protection when within 2 metres of a symptomatic resident.
- Group activities and outings are cancelled for the duration of the outbreak.
Symptomatic residents have been isolated and treated. Symptomatic health care workers must remain off work for five days, or until symptoms completely resolve, whichever is sooner. Staff are reminded to continue to report sick calls through the VCH Absence Call Line (1-866-924-4297) to notify your manager.
Influenza is currently prevalent throughout the larger community, so please observe precautions at home to protect yourself, your family and your coworkers. Our best defense against viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacterium remains frequent and thorough hand washing. Staff, as well as patients and visitors, are asked to adhere to hand washing directives and limit visits. Thank you for your cooperation.