Always inspired: meet volunteer Desnia Ford


Desnia celebrating her 78th birthday with her two sons, Mike (left) and Steve (right).


In conjunction with National Volunteer Week , VCH is recognizing a handful of the many dedicated volunteers across the organization.

As a young girl during World War II in London, Desnia Ford remembers it being a difficult time, but a period when people always helped each other out.

“During the air raids, anytime, everybody looked out for everybody else,” she says with a light British accent. “It was a completely different way of life.”

And at the church she went to growing up, Desnia remembers being part of a youth volunteer group that would visit senior homes helping seniors write letters and keeping them company. While it was many years ago, these experiences have, in some ways, fueled Desnia’s desire to volunteer.

“I learned that you’re not here just for you – you’re here for everybody,” she says.

Desnia has been volunteering at Richmond Hospital for 14 years. Almost all of this time has been spent in the birth centre, making soothing ice packs for mothers after giving birth – with some help, she makes about 120 packs each week, When she’s not making ice packs, Desnia is visiting Richmond Lions Manor, an intermediary care facility, (where she has gone for eight years) helping with the different, fun events taking place like the Mother’s Day Tea or picnics in the summer. She also visits Minoru Residence, visiting the clients in extended care. And on top of that, she knits finger puppets for children in the emergency department at the hospital.

“Although I’m not doing that as much anymore because kids always have a little gadget in their hands,” she says with a sad laugh. “It’s too bad that they don’t want something that needs inspiration.”

But Desnia still stays inspired by the patients and the staff she works with.

“All of the staff, everyone of them, are incredible,” she says. “They’re some of the best people to work with.”

Desnia says she continues to volunteer because of how it makes her feel.

“To me, I get far more than what I give – absolutely,” she says. “I love it.”

Make sure you show your appreciation to VCH volunteers this week.