K-Bro Linen Safety Awareness

K-Bro Linen Systems is Canada’s largest provider of laundry and linen services to the healthcare sector. On April 9th, a display booth was set up at Richmond Hospital to share information about Linen Conservation and Linen Safety Awareness.

K-Bro’s laundry processing facilities are state-of-the-art and consume among the lowest quantities of water, natural gas, electricity and detergents per kg of laundry in the world. While reusable textiles are the most environmentally responsible option, there are continued opportunities for us all to contribute to a healthier planet without compromising client care. K-Bro’s linen utilization practices have identified opportunities to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. For example, is the correct size of linen used? Would a smaller or lighter version be adequate? With the same client, unless the linen is visibly soiled, could we consider re-using it? Many of these opportunites identified have been adopted with great success.

K-Bro also continues to share information on Linen Safety Awareness. Although much of the laundry process involves a high level of automation, the process of sorting and categorizing the soiled laundry is very manual and requires the handling of each item. It’s at this stage that sharps in the laundry pose the greatest threat. In addition, any sharps not identified and removed prior to laundering has the potential to make their way back among the clean linen where it presents a risk to other healthcare workers and clients. Overfilling soiled laundry bags also creates a risk of back injury to everyone who must lift it. It also creates a high risk of bag failure resulting in spillage and cross-contamination. Disposing of sharps properly and not overfilling soiled laundry bags are the two greatest concerns in linen safety.

For more information, visit www.K-brolinen.com.