Jewelry, books, candy and more…at June’s Market Place.

Market Place for June

Your Market Place vendors for this month:

June         1     The Nutman

June         3     Tupperware

June         7     Maubern Crafts

June        8      AKZ Jewelery

June         9     The Magpies Nest

June       13      Survivormate

June       14      JP Jewelry

June       15      Fifth Ave Collection

June       16      Silver FX

June       21     Radiant by Design

June       22     Karan’s Quality Fashion

June       23     The Pampered Chef

The Richmond Hospital/ Healthcare Auxiliary thank  you for your support. Proceeds from the vendor tables fund a variety of programs and services, including music and recreational therapy, maintenance and management of the buses for Richmond Lions Manor and Minoru Residence, and student bursaries.